Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 3 with Groupnos

Today is the day to get things done. We only have one more day left with Groupnos so we had to definitely be productive and work our tails off. Overall we reached our goals for the day! Mani and Scott had to update me on what went on for the rest of the afternoon last Thursday. To find out the new work plan I had a little recap meeting and we set some new goals for the day.

Basically it was decided that Mani would start researching data on competitive companies and Scott and I would work on the business plan supplement. We did quite well on timing and I felt pretty good about my delivery so far. I had to do a lot of cross referencing and business vocabulary research before actually getting to the document. That was a little tedious but it wasn't so hard after I got the hang of it.

I finished well enough to start helping Mani research and we had a pretty good system. I would research and find numbers and send it to Mani to double check. Honestly I'm so glad that he is on our team, it would have been ten times harder without him. Though I suppose eventually we would get the job done, it just would require so much more work. I feel Mani was good at translating the information so well and I was just trying to prove my competency so our little system worked out well.

Thankfully Enda did not mind at all. We were getting things done and trying to minimally disturb him with questions. It was actually a fun time working alongside him in the office and to be able to have these markers checked off. I really feel like this project is heading somewhere and we can hand him a good end product.

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