Friday, May 30, 2014

First Day in Belfast

We left very early this morning after settling in UCDublin for a couple of days. It's been exciting to be constantly moving and seeing new perspectives of Ireland. I just wish my backpack wasn't so heavy, I'm about to abandon my luggage, but then I remember how much I need everything inside them. Plus the workout I'm getting is a bonus when I'm eating so much every day. The food is really good, I like the variety of choices. Plus it's just fun to try what different foods you can find either Irish or popular in the Area.

Today we saw the Titanic docks! I actually loved Titanic and I really liked the section in world history. So I was excited for today. It was neat to see physical/historical ties to Titanic. The docking location is really massive in person, impressive considering time period and man power behind it's manifestation. Our tour guide was very nice and she had the nicest things to say about us. She also did the whole tour in heels, more power to her.

Norman Apley sure knows his science. I was stunned by how he could pull out so much quantum knowledge out of his back pocket. His quiz was definitely more tricky than I was prepared for.

The day was filled with great guest speakers, one after the other. My favorite part of the day was when there was an award given to Colm McGoldrick for his tumultous year due to cancer. It was inspiring to hear his story and to see many examples of leadership today. The way everything was orchestrated and executed was heart warming, especially after my own trying day. Seeing him get rewarded for his accomplishments and to have him smiling and alive was a uplifting. The biggest take away for me today of leadership is the acknowledgement and the actions you exhibit. Though many leaders can talk the talk, the important part to me is if they can walk the walk. Today I saw that.

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